Undeniable, this is a stressful and challenging time for all of us. But it also offers unique opportunities to focus on things that have been put aside for a long time because you were too busy to do them.

Look at all these people running into Bunnings right now to finally getting projects done that have been postponed for long.

Why not shifting your energy into your professional life right now? Below are 5 things I recommend focusing on right now.

Revamping your Resume:

When was the last time you have updated your Resume? This is perfect timing for a total overhaul of your vita. Spend some time reflecting on your previous and current roles to include in your new document.

LinkedIn Profile:

How about your LinkedIn profile? Is it up to date, all relevant information on there? If you are unsure on what to change do some research on some fellow people from the industry to give you some ideas on what to change on your profile to make it more appealing.

 Kick start new beginnings:

Maybe you have often thought about a career change and always wanted to try something different but never had the guts to actually go through with it.

Maybe you have just been made redundant, which is awful at first sight, but it can also be the start for something completely new. Believe me, I know this from my own experience. And if you need a little help with finding your way and how to get started there are so many fantastic coaches out there that can help you with just that.


Have you often been thinking about this course or additional training but were always too busy to go through with it? There are so many online education opportunities available in every field. Now is the best time to invest in your personal development.

Interview preparation:

If you are in the unfortunate situation of being made redundant and have not had an interview for a very long time, don’t freak out. You will find another job for sure! And there is so much help out there, too to support you with your job hunting.

Wishing all of you a Happy Easter! Yes, it will be different and for some of us very lonely unfortunately. But we will get through this!

If you struggle with some of the things I mentioned above, please reach out for a confidential discussion. I would love to help and have vast experience in Recruitment including Resume Writing and Interview Coaching. I can help you through this challenging time. Contact me via susanne@careervibes.net